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The Guest Experience Starts Before the Door Opens [eBook]

Vacation rental property managers know that providing a great guest experience is key. But many mistakenly believe that coming home to a comfortable accommodation after a day at the beach defines this experience for the guest.

The guest's journey starts well before the key goes into the door, and even before they visit your website. In our technological world, travelers already have an idea of what they are going to get based on comparisons and reviews available online. Past experiences and current expectations of hospitality will cloud their perception of your property. Your reputation is key. 

Going beyond the typical stay

An ideal guest experience strategy must focus on delivering the exceptional high-touch hospitality everyone expects and is used to, as well as on the one-click, “right now” experience they receive everywhere else. It must go beyond the typical hotel stay - guests don’t want just a bed and a shower. They expect unique, custom-tailored experiences that far exceed just providing a service. That’s what sets vacation rental properties apart from traditional accommodations.

According to Deloitte’s survey of 6,600 hotel guests across 25 brands, 75 percent of respondents indicated that they return to hotels that provide a great guest experience. Guests also expect the modern technological conveniences we’ve all come to enjoy at home or the office, as well as access to quality bars and restaurants and inviting public spaces.  

Knowing and understanding expectations is the first step in providing a great guest experience. That experience must be carried through both in person and online, where prospective guests typically begin the process of finding that ultimate guest experience.

Blending human touch and data science

In the eBook “5 Ways to Deliver an Exceptional Guest Experience,” the great guest experience is described as an art that requires a blend of the human touch and data science, delivered by people and technology. To truly know your guests, you must provide customized communication before, during and after their stay.

Also, guests have to be engaged how and when they want and have that sense of empowerment so they make the experience their own. They want to be heard and feel valued and special.

Correctly executed, the great guest experience boosts return visits and positive word of mouth. Increasing guest satisfaction raises the likelihood of return visits by 30 percent, according to Deloitte. And considering that it’s much more expensive to attract new guests than generate repeat bookings and referrals, delivering the best guest experience is like putting money in the bank for you.

Your guest’s experience, from their first search and interaction with your site to booking, checking in and checking out, will build memories and feelings that can help drive loyalty and your reputation.

What does it take to create that great guest experience? Download “5 Ways to Deliver an Exceptional Guest Experience” to find out

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