/ Blog / Managing Vacation Rental Bookings More Easily with the New Kigo Reservations Page

Managing Vacation Rental Bookings More Easily with the New Kigo Reservations Page

By: Tim Blackwell

Kigo is making it easier for property managers to manage vacation rental bookings by providing a comprehensive view of reservations across their entire portfolios on a single page.

Upgrades to Kigo’s All Reservations page are helping vacation rental property management companies view and administer hundreds – even thousands – of reservations for properties in real-time. Results are returned much faster and are easier to view through new status filters that provide a more complete overview of bookings.

The improvements are a result of Kigo’s UX Team working to collect the insights of business and user needs to make vacation rental booking software more effective.

Until the enhancement, users were instructed to search by territory/property or refine a search as needed in order to see bookings and status. Now all property bookings are shown, and users can sort accordingly and adjust the number of results they can see in one page.

New design makes sorting easier

Vacation rental managers can now get a fast birds-eye view of all property reservations in their portfolio, sorted the way they want to view it.

A sleek design enables easier sorting of important information, including check-in/check-out, payment status, booking date, channel, contract status and more. The list is paginated to show 10 items by default for faster loading.

The new interface also makes it easier to contact guests by phone and email. Phone numbers now can be copied and pasted to a dialer to quickly call a guest, and email addresses can be pasted directly into an email (the Kigo Inbox can also be used to send the guest a message without the need to copy an address).

Search criteria are displayed across the top of the page, and more than double the search results are visible at a glance. Color coding is used to identify reservation status more quickly.

Faster access to vacation rental bookings information

Along with Kigo’s new bookings calendar, changes on the reservations page allows users to get right to the information that matters most.

Earlier in 2020, Kigo released a more intuitive reservations calendar. The calendar has an improved filter with more powerful features, such as dynamic filtering, especially useful for large property management companies. A booking creation pop-up delivers an intuitive workflow for creating bookings or block-outs, and pop-ups display relevant unit information and provide various quick links.

The recent release represents a step forward in design and usability from the previous calendar and sets the stage for building payment status and channel filters. The calendar also features increased responsiveness on mobile and tablet platforms.

Clients respond favorably to changes

Kigo’s product development team has worked diligently with clients to enhance its vacation rental bookings platform and enable a better user experience. Feedback from clients plays a large part in the team’s development plans.

New components of KigoPro developed in 2020 – including the All Reservations, Reservations Calendar, New Promotions and New Leads pages – have been implemented based on rigorous testing and user feedback. And Kigo engineers are looking forward to introducing further innovations in 2021.

For more about Kigo’s real-time functionality to help you better manage your vacation rental bookings, visit

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