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Delivering a Personalized Guest Experience through Technology

When you’re at your desk customizing an email for a new guest and realize you have ten bookings a minute, the exasperated cry of “I can’t be on top of everything at once” may not be far from your lips.

Imagine taking the stress out of writing your own custom booking emails and having an App do it for you. That’s exactly what the Kigo Guest Experience promises. With the App, property managers don’t need to be sending every ounce of communication to their guests – it handles all client communications for them.

“The Kigo Guest Experience makes everything fast and easy for travelers and property managers, from check-in to check-out,” said Cip Gheorghe, Product owner for Kigo.

The vacation rental business is a demanding one and property managers often work overtime for success. To stay on top of the market and guest communications takes concentrated time and dedication. “The Kigo Guest Experience takes one thing off their shoulders as it allows them to customize the welcome experience, configure everything that is needed for their stay and then relax and interact with their guest,” Gheorghe said. “And not only in English, but in six other languages as well – Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German and Russian.”

A new service for a fast-paced world

We have moved into an era when travelers of all ages expect immediate results. Their increased eagerness for assistance is shifting supply and demand. “If they require more information or have a question, they will simply ask for more useful, personal and compatible advice,” Gheorghe said.

Property managers, on the other hand, need more time to focus on other aspects of their business rather than on each individual booking. “By setting up a Welcome Message configuration,” Gheorghe said, “property managers can trust that all communication to their guests will be taken care of by Kigo Guest Experience.”

For those who are shuffling paperwork back and forth worried about sensitive info like door codes and Wi-Fi credentials getting stolen, the App is a dream come true. “If there were only a couple of features, then we wouldn't make such a fuss out of it,” said Gheorghe. “From now on, property managers can and should breathe a sigh of relief over contract management, sending unit sensitive information like door codes and Wi-Fi, providing customized FAQs, and cross-marketing by promoting local coupons.”

The Kigo Guest Experience also allows travelers to adjust their check-in and check-out information, lets travelers provide reviews of their stay, and features real-time guest messaging that alerts key members of team.

A secret weapon

Gheorghe called the new technology a ‘secret weapon’ because this relatively unknown technology is impressive enough to help those who possesses it achieve greater things. “The Kigo Guest Mobile App is our secret weapon, as it allows clients to enjoy a smooth experience with their guests with little effort.”

For the future of the rental industry, Gheorghe is confident in Kigo. “With the new and improved version of the Kigo Guest Experience, the industry will understand that the right way is the Kigo way.”

Learn more about Kigo Guest Experience today!

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